Flere forbipasserende stoppet opp for en fugleprat. De hadde fått med seg den lille/store begivenheten i nærmiljøet. Falken var opptatt med sitt kun få meter fra veien.
Aftenfalken hekker i Øst-Europa og østover gjennom nordre og sentrale deler av Asia. Overvintringsplassene er i Afrika, et godt stykke fra Søgne. Denne ungfuglen er derfor alvorlig på avveie.
A Red-footed Falcon has stayed for a few days in Søgne, where it seems to be doing well by eating worms on the fields. I took a late afternoon trip to see it, and although it started to get dark at the time of my arrival, it was still active. A wire served as a viewpoint.
Several locals stopped for a bird chat. They had all heard about the event and noticed a lot of birders and photographers in the area the last couple of days. While we were standing there talking, the Red-footed Falcon was busy and fully focused only a few meters from the road.
The Red-footed Falcon breeds in eastern Europe and eastwards through northern and central Asia. The wintering sites are in Africa, a good distance from Søgne. This young bird is in other words seriously out of range.